K&L Gates LLP comprises approximately 2,000 lawyers who practice in fully integrated offices located on five continents: Anchorage, Austin, Beijing, Berlin, Boston, Brisbane, Brussels, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Doha, Dubai, Fort Worth, Frankfurt, Harrisburg, Hong Kong, Houston, London, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Miami, Milan, Munich, Newark, New York, Orange County, Palo Alto, Paris, Perth, Pittsburgh, Portland, Raleigh, Research Triangle Park, San Francisco, São Paulo, Seattle, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Taipei, Tokyo, Warsaw, Washington and Wilmington.
K&L Gates represents leading global corporations, growth and middle-market companies, capital markets participants and entrepreneurs in every major industry group as well as public sector entities, educational institutions, philanthropic organizations and individuals. Our practice is a robust full market practice — cutting edge, complex and dynamic, at once regional, national and international in scope. Over each of the last six years our revenues exceeded $1 Billion.
Our delivery of legal services is supported at both the individual office level and through nine firmwide practice areas: corporate and transactional; energy, infrastructure and resources; finance; financial services; intellectual property; labor, employment and workplace safety; litigation and dispute resolution; real estate; and regulatory and policy. Within each of these practice areas are subject matter and industry-based practice groups.
At K&L Gates, we are raising the bar regarding information technology within the legal industry.
We are focused on providing innovative, value-driven solutions to lawyers that enhance profitability, workflow efficiency and client communications. We ensure our lawyers always have current technology and secure access to the technical resources required to deliver superior service to clients in a manner representative of our fully integrated global firm.
Our investment and dedication to continuous improvement is predicated on industry-leading technologies and enhanced technology infrastructure with resilient networks, redundant data centers and virtualized computing power. Our technology infrastructure has been designed to leverage the power of the firm’s fully integrated legal platform and to extend the comprehensive knowledgebase of our lawyers located throughout our numerous interconnected offices.
We are working toward placing the power of information into the hands of our lawyers through the use of mobile technologies in order to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Innovation without complexity is critical to our success whether a lawyer is in an office, at a client’s site or in the comfort of their home.