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Wearable Technologies and Employment Risks – EEOC Issues New Guidance
Monday, February 3, 2025

From smart watches to exoskeletons, wearable technologies are quickly changing the landscape of the American workplace. Several states and administrative agencies have responded to this shift by enacting new laws and issuing regulatory guidance concerning the use of such technologies. The latest of these responses includes a fact sheet issued by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) titled “Wearables in the Workplace: Using Wearable Technologies Under Federal Employment Discrimination Laws.” The fact sheet provides guidance on how employers can use wearable technologies while maintaining compliance with various federal employment laws. More broadly, the fact sheet signals growing concern over the use of employee-monitoring technologies.

The General State of Wearable Technologies

Wearable technologies are digital devices worn or carried by employees that are used to track and collect certain types of information. Smart watches and GPS devices are common examples of wearable technologies. However, wearable technologies include a broad range of devices, such as environmental or proximity sensors which alert employees of nearby hazards, smart glasses or helmets which measure electrical activity in the brain, and exoskeletons which provide employees with increased strength and mobility.

Wearable technologies are becoming increasingly common in the workplace – and for good reason. By augmenting employees’ physical and perceptual abilities, these technologies can enhance workplace productivity and safety. Wearable technologies can be particularly valuable for companies struggling with an aging workforce or shortages of skilled labor. They can also be particularly valuable in construction, manufacturing, and warehousing industries which experience hundreds of thousands of non-fatal injuries and thousands of fatal injuries per year.

However, these benefits come with risks. One of the biggest risks is employee privacy. Several state and federal laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and state biometric information laws, protect certain information given by employees to their employers. Other risks include employee health, data security, and data interpretation. Since the wearable technologies industry is likely to expand in the future, government regulators have started to enact new laws and to adapt existing laws to account for these risks. The EEOC fact sheet on wearable technologies represents one piece related to this growing concern.

EEOC Guidance on Wearable Technologies

The EEOC’s recent guidance on wearable technologies provides several important considerations for employers. The EEOC has explained how employers can implement wearable technologies in the workplace while maintaining compliance with a variety of federal employment laws. It remains to be seen whether the EEOC under the Trump Administration will rescind or amend this guidance that was issued at the end of Biden’s Administration.

Medical Examinations and Disability-Related Inquiries

The EEOC’s guidance provides that wearable technologies may constitute “medical examinations” and/or “disability-related inquiries” in violation of the ADA. 

To determine whether a test or procedure is a medical examination under the ADA, the EEOC will consider several factors, including whether the test measures an employee’s performance, whether the test is normally given in a medical setting, and whether medical equipment is used. Wearable technologies may be deemed to be conducting medical examinations when they track and collect information about an employee’s physical or mental condition, such as blood pressure monitors and eye trackers. Wearable technologies may also be deemed to be conducting medical examinations where they are conducting diagnostic testing, such as EEGs.

Disability-related inquiries, on the other hand, are questions that are likely to elicit information about an employee’s disability. Employers may be making disability-related inquiries where employees are required to provide health information, such as information about prescription drug use or a disability, in connection with using wearable technologies.

The ADA generally limits medical examinations and disability-related inquiries to situations where they are “job related and consistent with business necessity.” This may include situations where an employee makes a request for reasonable accommodation or where an employer is concerned that an employee poses a direct threat of serious harm due to their medical condition. Medical examinations and disability-related inquiries are also permitted: (1) when required under federal law or safety regulations; (2) for certain employees in positions affecting public safety, such as police officers or firefighters; and (3) when they are voluntary and part of an employee health program. If an employer uses wearable technologies to conduct medical examinations or disability-related inquiries outside of one of these exceptions, under the EEOC’s guidance, the employer risks violating the ADA.


The EEOC’s guidance also provides that employers must not use information collected by wearable technologies to discriminate against employees based on a protected characteristic. Protected characteristics include, but are not limited to, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, and genetic information.

For example, according to the EEOC, employers may violate non-discrimination laws by:

  • Using data from wearable technologies to infer that an employee is pregnant, then taking an adverse action against the employee as a result.
  • Relying on data from wearable technologies which produces less accurate results for certain protected classes, then taking adverse actions against those employees based on that data.
  • Tracking an employee to a medical center and then researching the purpose of the employee’s visit in a way that elicits genetic information.

Moreover, employers may not selectively use wearable technologies on a discriminatory basis nor use information from wearable technologies to make employment decisions which have a disproportionate adverse effect on the basis of a protected characteristic.

Reasonable Accommodations

The EEOC’s guidance also suggests that employers may need to make exceptions to the use of wearable technologies as reasonable accommodations under Title VII (religious belief, practice, or observance), the ADA (disability), or the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions).


If an employer collects medical or disability-related data from wearable technologies, the employer, generally, must maintain that data in separate medical files and treat it as confidential medical information.

Other Laws and Guidance on Wearable Technologies

The guidance expressed in the EEOC fact sheet is similar to that presented by other administrative agencies. For example, the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) former General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo issued a memorandum in October 2022 addressing various technologies in the workplace, including wearable technologies. The memorandum warned that wearable technologies may impair or negate employees’ ability to engage in protected activity due to “the potential for omnipresent surveillance.”

In addition, several state legislatures have enacted laws regulating employee-monitoring technologies, including wearable technologies. Some of these laws regulate the collection and handling of employee biometric information.[1] Other laws regulate certain forms of employee location tracking,[2] or regulate employee surveillance more broadly.[3]

Key Takeaways

Employers who use wearable technologies in the workplace should:

  • Assess the type of information collected by the wearable technologies and determine whether that collection would constitute an improper medical examination or disability-related inquiry under the ADA.
  • Evaluate the accuracy and validity of the information collected by the wearable technologies before making any adverse employment decisions based on that information.
  • Refrain from using information collected by wearable technologies to discriminate against employees on the basis of a protected characteristic.
  • Consider whether any state or local laws govern the use of wearable technologies or the information collected by the wearable technologies.

Because the legal framework governing wearable technologies is quickly evolving, employers would be wise to consult with employment counsel to ensure their continued compliance with federal and state laws, regulations, and guidance.

Note: Since this post was written, the EEOC Fact Sheet appears to have been removed from the EEOC website. This may indicate that the new administration is not inclined to follow or issue the same guidance.

Mikayla Brody also contributed to this article.


[1] See, e.g., 740 Ill. Comp. Stat. 14/1 et seq.; Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 503.001; Wash. Rev. Code § 19.375; H.B. 24-1130, 74th Gen. Assemb., 2nd Reg Sess. (Colo. 2024).

[2] See, e.g., Haw. Rev. Stat. § 378‑102; N.J. Stat. Ann. § 34:6B-22; Cal. Penal Code § 637.7; N.H. Rev. Stat. § 644-A:4.

[3] See, e.g., N.Y. Civ. Rights Law § 52-C; Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 31-48d.

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