Advance Contact Tracing ("ACT") can easily be achieved by simply tracking day-to-day close contacts between people before anyone feels sick. Logging daily contacts allows you or your employer to quickly identify and notify people who may have been exposed to COVID-19 when someone does get the virus. Our video provides a simple three-step approach an employee can use to track their contacts each day --- without any special technology, apps or downloads. This method can help support public health authorities and private businesses in their efforts to help contain the spread of COVID-19 in our communities and in the workplace. Part of a series aimed at supporting a "Work Together, Healthy Together" workplace health and safety program, our videos are intended to be shared with you workforce. In connection with Polsinelli’s efforts to provide resources and support to businesses in our own communities and beyond, we hope you and your team find this valuable.
Current Public Notices
Published: 13 January, 2025
Published: 9 January, 2025
Published: 6 January, 2025