Pennsylvania permits the shipment of malt and brewed beverages to Pennsylvania residents by wholesalers or retailers of another state or country. This license permits the holder to ship up to 192 fluid ounces per month to any one resident for his or her personal use. No more than 96 fluid ounces of a specific brand may be shipped to any one Pennsylvania resident in one calendar year.
The fee for the direct malt or brewed beverage shipper (DBS) license is $250 and requires annual reporting of beverages shipped in a calendar year and annual renewals (for a fee of $250).
All malt or brewed beverages must be transported by a licensed transporter-for-hire, which is a separate license available through the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB). The PLCB maintains a list of licensed transporters on its website, which can be found here.
The DBS license holder is not subject to the three-tier system, territorial rights, and brand registration requirements of Sections 431 and 445 of the Liquor Code.
Out of state wholesalers and retailers can reach customers in Pennsylvania under the DBS license.