Steven Pine is a partner in the firm’s health care practice group. He concentrates his practice on the intersection of health law compliance and dispute resolution, primarily representing public and private academic medical centers, hospitals, and health systems. His areas of focus include certificate of need contested cases; governmental and nongovernmental payment and reimbursement; health privacy; HIPAA and Common Rule research compliance; clinically integrated network (CIN) formation; alternative payment models and value-based reimbursement; federal False Claims Act litigation; administrative reconsiderations, reviews and appeals (e.g., EMTALA QIO hearings, RAC appeals and hearings, UPIC/ZPIC appeals); and Affordable Care Act compliance.
Mr. Pine joined K&L Gates as a summer associate in 2011. Prior to attending law school, Mr. Pine was a commercial real estate broker with a regional land development company.
Primary Practice
Secondary Practices