Christopher S. Finnerty

Christopher S. Finnerty, Antitrust, Distribution, Intellectual Property, Lawyer, Attorney, KL Gates, Law Firm
Organization Profile
Professional Biography

Christopher Finnerty is a partner in the firm’s Boston office where he leads a multidisciplinary, multinational team which represents clients in antitrust, distribution, and intellectual property matters. He focuses his practice in the design and implementation of resale price maintenance strategies focusing on limiting online price erosion and gray market disruption in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia for consumer goods manufacturers. Over the past ten years Mr. Finnerty and his team have worked hand in hand with dozens of the world’s largest and most recognized corporations designing go to market price strategies, representing the distribution of hundreds of billions of dollars in products. Mr. Finnerty consults on the impact of strategy variants globally and their potential pricing implications and product lifecycles. Mr. Finnerty routinely litigates antitrust actions involving monopolization exclusive dealing, and unfair trade practices.

Mr. Finnerty’s intellectual property practice includes counterfeit and gray market litigation and counsel regarding brand dilution over the Internet. Specifically, Mr. Finnerty helps companies devise early detection strategies to limit gray market resale of their products and importation of counterfeit products by targeting consumer web sites and business-to-business web sites.

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