Covering reported business bankruptcy filings in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, and Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings in New York and Delaware listing assets of more than $1 million.
Because your business extends beyond the borders of a single state, ours does too. Today, we are a multi-disciplinary team of highly creative, hard working, responsive, business savvy and experienced bankruptcy and creditors’ rights professionals serving you from offices located in four New England states and the District of Columbia.
Chapter 11
Chapter 7
1Business Type information is taken from Bankruptcy Court filings, which may include incorrect categorization by the debtor or others. 2Additional affiliate filings include: Crescent Film Holdings Limited, Village Roadshow Distribution (BVI) Limited, Village Roadshow Distribution Pty Ltd, Village Roadshow Distribution UK Limited, Village Roadshow Distribution USA Inc., Village Roadshow Entertainment Group (BVI) Limited, Village Roadshow Entertainment Group Asia Limited, Village Roadshow Film Administration Management Pty Ltd, Village Roadshow Films (BVI) Limited, Village Roadshow Films Global Inc., Village Roadshow Films North America Inc., Village Roadshow Holdings USA Inc., Village Roadshow Pictures Entertainment Inc., Village Roadshow Pictures North America Inc., Village Roadshow Productions (BVI) Ltd., Village Roadshow Productions Inc., Village Roadshow VS Films LLC, VR DTE Distribution USA Inc., VR DTE Productions Limited, VR Films Holdings (BVI) Limited, VR Funding LLC, VR Zoo Distribution USA Inc., VR Zoo Productions Ltd, VREG Films Ltd, VREG Funding LLC, VREG IP Global LLC, VREG J2 Global LLC, VREG MM2 IP Global LLC, VREG OP Global LLC, VREG Production Services Inc., VREG Television Inc., VREG Wonka IP Global LLC and VREG WW IP Global LLC. 3Additional affiliate filings include: Danimer Bioplastics, Inc., Danimer Scientific Holdings, LLC, Danimer Scientific Kentucky, Inc., Danimer Scientific Manufacturing, Inc., Danimer Scientific, LLC, Meredian Bioplastics, Inc., Meredian Holdings Group, Inc., Meredian Inc., and Novomer, Inc. 4Additional affiliate filings include: Benson Hill Fresh, LLC, Benson Hill Holdings, Inc., Benson Hill ND OldCo., Inc., Benson Hill Seeds Holding, Inc., Benson Hill Seeds, Inc., BHB Holdings, LLC, DDB Holdings, Inc., and J&J Southern Farms, Inc. |