Just in time for the end of the federal fiscal year (September 30), the HUD Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a flurry of internal and external audit reports over the last few weeks on a wide variety of topics. They include:
CDBG disaster grant administration issues, including criticism of HUD’s guidance and oversight on procurement matters. Perhaps not so coincidentally, HUD has just published a new procurement guide for CDBG-DR grantees. The OIG also examined the invoice review process prior to disbursal of CDBG-DR by a grantee.
A critique of HUD’s controls over dispositions of CDBG-funded properties
Several audits of voucher programs administered by housing authorities, including overall HCV administration issues, HQS standards, and project-based voucher administration
Findings that HUD did not provide sufficient guidance and oversight in connection with FHA-insured loans to ensure that properties receiving FHA mortgage insurance had access to a sufficient supply of lead-free, safe water
A remote review of housing authority implementation of flat rents. The OIG only reviewed 60 tenant files but extrapolated information found in this limited review to project that there could be over 10,000 undercharged flat rent tenants nationally.