We previously wrote about Miami-Dade County’s proposed new P3 legislation, both when it was initially proposed, and prior to it being considered by the subcommittee of jurisdiction, the Government Operations Committee. Last week, the Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved the new ordinance, which will help the County implement a variety of planned and potential P3 projects in the near future, including the planned Civil Courthouse P3.
The ordinance generally tracks and implements the State of Florida’s procedures for procurement of P3 projects, but with some notable additions. An unsolicited P3 proposal to the County under the new ordinance requires significantly more detail than under the State of Florida’s process, including information on how the project will utilize community-based subcontractors and otherwise benefit the community. The new ordinance also provides deadlines for the administration to take action on an unsolicited proposal, which helps address the concern of many proposers that their proposal will remain in limbo for an indefinite period of time, and a number of other provisions designed to help move P3 projects forward.