In the world of Indonesian immigration, obtaining a TA.01 work permit recommendation is a preliminary step to ultimately gaining a work permit and alimited stay visa, which authorizes a foreign national to engage in certain delineated activities, such as employment.
Effective on filings made on or after November 4, 2013, the Indonesian government will now require work permit applicants to have certain of their supporting documents endorsed/stamped (“meterai”)—representing a shift towards stricter modes of proving legitimacy, with the burden on the applicant.
The following specific regulatory changes were announced:
sponsoring employer must stamp CVs with an official corporate stamp;
the foreign national must sign each page; and
the CV must have a stamp (meterai).
Education certificates:
sponsoring employer must stamp the certificates with an official corporate stamp;
the certificate must be translated into Bahasa Indonesia or English; and
the certificate must have a stamp (meterai).
Reference letter from the previous company (if provided by the applicant):
must be endorsed by the local sponsoring entity.
The takeaway for entities engaged in Indonesia is to be proactive in dealings with the government to the extent possible by requesting in advance and submitting documents on letterhead in certified and notarized form. This will operate to minimize the possibility of subsequent inquiries or filings.
Shaun Staller authored this aricle.