In yesterday’s blog, I talked about the expansion of the scope of practice for limited licensed practitioners (psychologists) being considered by the New Jersey Legislature.
Because of the actions of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in reclassifying hydrocodone, such reclassification took away the right of optometrists to write prescriptions for such drugs. There is now legislation pending to restore the ability of optometrists to write prescriptions for such a drug. This has brought an objection from the state medical society.
This is a rare instance in which, and probably as an unforeseen consequence, the ability of limited licensed practitioners (optometrists) have been diminished. Obviously, taking away their ability was not done by the state which sets forth, by legislation, the scope of practice, but by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in reclassifying the drug.
In light of the trends that we are seeing nationwide, it is probable that the state will expand the license of the optometrist to enable them to continue to write prescriptions for the drug.