On December 8, 2013, E-Verify released three revised Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) for E-Verify browser users and three new MOUs for Web Services users and developers. For new users, the new MOUs went into effect on December 8, 2013; employers who join E-Verify after this date must sign a new or revised MOU with a revision date of June 1, 2013 during the enrollment process. In contrast, the revised MOUs will take effect for existing users on January 8, 2014. Although current users will not be required to sign a new MOU, they must adhere to the enhancements implemented for their specific “access method,” or type of E-Verify account.
The newly issued MOUs are tailored to users’ E-Verify access methods, which include categories such as employer; employer agent; corporate administrator; or Web Services. In addition, enhancements to the MOUs contain features that facilitate improved clarity and understanding, including titles that clearly identify the corresponding access method; additional plain language, active voice and reorganized content to improve flow and readability; letters and numbers instead of bullets to improve searching and citation; and more succinct content sections. According to E-Verify’s Fact Sheet about this development, “the new and revised MOUs also include several updated provisions, such as enhanced privacy protections and instructions for reporting privacy and security breaches.”
In addition, E-Verify has also released an updated User Manual for participating employers. The new version of the M-775, E-Verify User Manual for Employers, may be accessed here.