District of Columbia
Washington D.C., formally known as the District of Columbia, is the Capital of the United States. It is often referred to as “the Capital”, or “D.C”, and it was created by the signing of the Residence Act on July 16, 1790. A federal district was created under the US Constitution’s Exclusive jurisdiction clause, meaning the Capital isn’t part of any state.
The federal district was formed in Maryland and Virginia, as each state donated land; the City was founded in 1791, and named after George Washington. The district has an estimated population of under 700,000, while the Washington metropolitan area including surrounding cities and suburbs, has a total population of nearly 6 million residents. It is the 6th largest metropolitan area in the US.
Congress, the Executive and Judicial branches are all situated in the Capital. House representatives are elected by local residents, however no Senate representation is present in the district. During presidential elections, 3 electoral votes are afforded to the District of Columbia.
Washington D.C is a planned city which was formally created under the McMillan Plan, and finalized in 1901. Buildings in the capital are limited to being no taller than the width of adjacent streets, plus 20 feet, under the federal Height of Buildings Act of 1910. The city is made up of four-quadrants, which are unequal in area. Among the many well known architectural buildings in the capital are: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the White House, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the United States Capital, and the Lincoln Memorial. A number of historical sites, including national monuments and buildings, are predominant in the Capital. Additionally, the National Mall, the Jefferson Pier, the National World War II Memorial, and Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial are situated in DC. National Archives, including the Declaration of Independence, State Constitutions, and the Bill of Rights are located in the Capital. The Smithsonian Art Museum, National Zoo, Woodley Park, and various art exhibits, are also located in the Capital.
Under Article I Section VIII of the US Constitution, Congress has exclusive jurisdiction over the City. There are 21 departments under the federal government in the city including the Metro Police, City Works, Employment Services, Environment, and others. District party strength lies greatly with the Democratic Party in the Capital.
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