Rose Willis

Rose Willis, Dickinson Wright, Healthcare Regulatory Matters Lawyer, HIPAA Privacy Attorney
Organization Profile
Professional Biography

Rose's practice focuses on healthcare regulatory, transactional and corporate law in her representation of healthcare providers and suppliers and other current or prospective participants in the healthcare industry. Rose regularly counsels healthcare industry clients on matters regarding:

  • Entity governance documents such as Bylaws, Operating Agreements, Shareholder Agreements, Buy-Sell Agreements and Deferred Compensation Agreements

  • HIPAA privacy and security laws

  • Mergers and acquisitions involving physician practices and hospitals

  • Joint ventures and block leasing concepts

  • Turnkey leases involving equipment, real estate and services

  • Physician and midlevel provider employment agreements

  • Corporate compliance programs

  • Professional service agreements

  • Stark, Anti-Kickback and other federal and state fraud and abuse laws in structuring hospital, physician and other healthcare ventures

  • Certificate of Need letters of intent and applications

  • Corporate practice of medicine issues

  • Healthcare software license agreements and meaningful use requirements

  • Accountable care organizations, clinically integrated networks and other structural options in the post-healthcare reform environment for increasing quality while reducing costs

  • Homes for the Aged and Adult Foster Care facility licensure matters 

  • More Legal and Business Bylines From Rose Willis