Rassa L. Ahmadi

Rassa L. Ahmadi Equal Employment Opportunities Attorney Jackson Lewis Orange County, CA
Organization Profile
Professional Biography

Rassa L. Ahmadi is an Associate in the Orange County, California, office of Jackson Lewis P.C. Ms. Ahmadi focuses her practice on equal employment opportunities, including diversity analytics, pay equity, and compliance with regulations promulgated by the Office of Federal Contracts Compliance Programs (OFCCP). 

Ms. Ahmadi’s practice also includes litigation of class and representative actions related to wage and hour, as well as, the defense of claims related to discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and wrongful termination.  Ms. Ahmadi also works with her clients to provide preventive advice and counsel.

Prior to practicing at Jackson Lewis, Ms. Ahmadi practiced in both boutique and national law firms, in Wisconsin and California, defending matters of complex personal injury, construction defect, and other, general civil litigation, including labor and employment. Ms. Ahmadi also worked in various government bodies as a legislative aide at both the state and federal levels.

While attending law school, Ms. Ahmadi was a law clerk for the Honorable C. William Foust, Chief Judge of the Dane County Superior Court.


  • Affirmative Action Compliance and OFCCP Defense
  • Class Actions and Complex Litigation
  • Wage and Hour


  • Hospitality
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