Pamela A. Madeiros focuses her practice in the area of legislative and regulatory affairs. Her experience in identifying and resolving issues which blur distinction between health, mental health and education policies is well established. She is a valued partner with the New York State Department of Education, including the Office of the Professions, relating to professional licenses, the Bureau of Proprietary School Services, relating to the approval and operation of trade and business schools, and the Office of College and University Evaluation, relating to accreditation, permission to operate and general regulation of college and universities in New York State. She is an engaged participant in innumerable task forces and advisory committees through her representation of special education programs, Children’s Day Treatment programs, Article 28 Clinics, and schools for the deaf throughout the state.
Pam has credibility with decision makers and insight to well established and emerging policies. She works collaboratively with the Department of Health, the State Education Department and the Office of Mental Health and has established partnership relationships at all levels within each such agency.