Nanette Aguirre

Nanette Aguire, Greenberg Traurigh Law Firm, New York, Finance Law Attorney
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Professional Biography

Nanette Aguirre concentrates on derivatives and structured products. Her experience includes negotiating all forms of international derivative (ISDA), trading and prime brokerage agreements with global institutions. Additionally, she regularly advises on regulatory issues affecting the derivatives market, including without limitation, Dodd Frank and related cross border regulation.

She has structured and negotiated finance and derivative transactions (including Indian and Chinese swaps, and generally, credit and fund-linked derivatives, loan, credit default and equity swaps), exchange traded derivative agreements (including SEFs, and Futures and Options), repurchase agreements, securities lending agreements, prime brokerage (Reg T, Portfolio Margining and Enhanced Leverage), clearing (ISDA-FIA, DTCC, ISDA Amend/, electronic trading agreements, tri-party and give-up arrangements.

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