Janice Anderson offers a unique perspective to health care clients that is based on her extensive clinical and health care operational background (including serving on the senior executive team for a large regional health system for 14 years). She focuses her practice on corporate health care and transactional law, as well as mergers and acquisitions, hospital/physician and other joint ventures, physician relationships and contracting, and compliance.
Her areas of emphasis include:
Advising clients on the development of health care business structures to achieve strategic goals, and structuring hospital/physician alignment strategies to improve the quality and cost effectiveness of care, including the development of clinically integrated networks and accountable care organization
Conducting mergers and acquisitions and other health care transactions, including navigating through the myriad legal issues arising in such transactions, such as licensure, fraud and abuse, tax-exempt status, reimbursement, etc.
Handling legal and regulatory compliance; developing and implementing corporate compliance programs for hospitals and other health care providers; and advising clients in analyzing legal/compliance issues, including enforcement risks arising from quality of care and patient safety issues
Handling compliance issues and developing creative solutions to issues involving Stark, anti-kickback, HIPAA, EMTALA, False Claims Act, reimbursement, civil money penalty laws, etc.