Harry Weiss

Harry Weiss, Ballard Spahr Law Firm, Philadelphia, Environmental Law Litigation Attorney
Organization Profile
Professional Biography

Harry Weiss is Practice Leader of Ballard Spahr’s Environment and Natural Resources Group, and administers the group’s practice across the country.

He provides an array of clients with compliance advice arising out of new federal and state regulations; assists clients with commenting on new regulatory initiatives; and, most recently, has initiated an appeal to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on behalf of a recycling client challenging EPA rules concerning the content of fuel for use in residential wood-burning heaters.

Mr. Weiss also concentrates his practice on redevelopment of contaminated properties and other environmental issues that arise in the development context, such as storm water management control during construction, wetlands permitting, and the presence of endangered or threatened species. He served as litigation counsel to the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority in the challenge to the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening Project. He also litigates before the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission on energy and transportation infrastructure matters.

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