*Dr. Malpass is not licensed to practice law. Her activities are directly supervised by members of the firm licensed to practice law in the firm’s Winston-Salem office.
Gloria analyzes scientific and biomedical publications and documents to evaluate the validity and relevance of published data, and develops cross-examination key points that support or challenge the potential claims of plaintiffs and defendants. Her diverse experience includes providing technical support in the quality division of an FAA-regulated industry, conducting research related to alcohol dependence, potential tobacco-related biomarkers in human skin cells, and wound healing in diabetics, as well as providing scientific writing and editorial services. Much of Gloria’s work is focused on asbestos and smoking, various diseases and cancers, and addiction and brain connectivity. Gloria has conducted a comprehensive review of scientific and biomedical literature to challenge claims associating certain occupational exposures and the onset of specific diseases, and to determine alternate causes. She has provided support during expert witness preparation for deposition testimony and analyzed scientific and policy-related publications to evaluate potential expert witnesses.
She is a member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) and has earned the AMWA Essential Skills Certificate.