Ellen E. Boshkoff

Ellen E. Boshkoff Labor & Employment Attorney Faegre Drinker Law Firm Indianapolis
Organization Profile
317 237 1266
Professional Biography

Ellen Boshkoff is a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and is one of Indiana’s top employment trial lawyers. For the past 25 years, she has defended employers (both public and private) in both federal and state courts. Her experience includes defending class and collective actions and handling systemic investigations brought by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Defense for Employers

Ellen has represented nationwide and Fortune 100 employers on issues such as:

  • Sexual harassment

  • Discrimination and retaliation

  • Meal break litigation

  • Donning and doffing

  • Employee classification

She has won jury trials throughout the country, including six consecutive employment litigation trials in as many years and five states for one global client.


Experienced Advisor

Ellen's depth of experience, focus and tenacity allow her to bring practical strategies to clients. She regularly trains businesses, organizations and fellow lawyers on employment law issues and litigation.


Faculty Positions

  • Indiana University Maurer School of Law — Adjunct Professor of Pretrial Litigation
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