Bonnie Barnett defends clients in large-scale environmental disputes and helps protect them with advice on regulatory compliance and the environmental implications of business and real estate transactions. In addition to her more than 30 years of litigation and advisory experience, she is one of the country’s top Superfund lawyers and is valued for her experience with remediating contaminated sediment sites and helping clients with the allocation of remedial costs. Bonnie is a member of the firm’s board.
Environmental Litigation
Bonnie defends clients in judicial and administrative enforcement actions and in large, multiparty cleanup cases, toxic tort class actions and contractual disputes over environmental liabilities. She defends clients from citizens’ suits brought under federal and state environmental statues, including the Clean Water Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Bonnie effectively negotiates consent decrees and administrative consent orders, as well as settlements in private cost-recovery actions.