McDermott’s Antitrust & Competition Practice Group has broad experience in all aspects of antitrust and competition law, and it is recognized as one of the leading antitrust/competition practices in the world. The Group’s 65+ lawyers have a sophisticated practice that encompasses U.S. antitrust law, EC competition law and the competition laws of other countries throughout the world. The Group is centered in Washington, D.C. and has lawyers with significant antitrust/competition experience in its Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Silicon Valley, Brussels, Paris, Rome and Milan offices. The Brussels office is comprised of lawyers from a number of jurisdictions, thus providing companies strong competition law capabilities at both the EU and Member State level. Working with MWE China Law Offices, our integrated antitrust/competition law capability includes advising clients under China’s Anti-Monopoly Law. Our lawyers regularly represent clients before the FTC; DOJ; DG Competition; the Chinese competition authorities; U.S., European and Chinese courts; and other national antitrust and competition authorities.
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