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Worker Protection Executive Order Signed Today

Worker Protection Executive Order Signed Today
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Governor Murphy announced a new Executive Order (EO) providing on-the-job protections for all workers in New Jersey. New Jersey joins only three other states in creating such guidelines, as OSHA and the Federal government have failed to take action in this regard. This EO is designed to ensure that consistent standards are applied by employers to protect employees.

The Worker Protection Executive Order goes into effect November 5, 2020 at 6am, and focuses on workplace health and safety standards, creating an enforcement mechanism to ensure complaints of non-compliance are addressed. Also, training for employees and employers will be provided through Rutgers University and members of the Protect NJ Workers Coalition in order for workers to understand their rights and employers to understand their obligations. Health and safety standards include, but are not limited to, screening before every shift, face masks to be provided by and at the employers’ expense, and regular cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch areas. These efforts are designed to stop the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safety and well-being of New Jersey workers and their families. Reports of non-compliance can be made through an online form found at the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development website. You can watch the press conference announcing these protections in its entirety at Governor Phil Murphy’s Facebook page.