1Business Type information is taken from Bankruptcy Court filings, which may include incorrect categorization by the debtor or others.
2Additional affiliate filings include: Azzur Group, LLC, Cobalt LLC, Azzur Consulting LLC, Azzur Austin LLC, Azzur Chicago LLC, Azzur Denver LLC, Azzur IT LLC, Azzur North Carolina, LLC, Azzur of CA, LLC, Azzur of NE, LLC Azzur Princeton LLC, Azzur San Diego LLC, Azzur San Francisco LLC, Azzur Solutions LLC, Azzur Technical Services – Boston LLC, Azzur Training Center – Raleigh LLC, Azzur Washington DC LLC, Azzur Worcester LLC, Azzur Cleanrooms-On-Demand – Services LL, Azzur Cleanrooms-On-Demand – Boston LLC, Azzur Cleanrooms-On-Demand -Burlington LLC, Azzur Cleanrooms-On-Demand – Devens LLC, Azzur Cleanrooms-On-Demand – Raleigh LLC, Azzur Cleanrooms-On-Demand San Diego LLC, Azzur Cleanrooms-On-Demand San Francisco LLC, Azzur Labs, LLC, Azzur Labs – Boston LLC, Azzur Labs – Chicago LLC, Azzur Labs – Dallas LLC, Azzur Labs - San Diego LLC, Azzur Labs – San Francisco LLC and Azzur Labs NC, LLC.