We may be about to find out, as the Commission seeks comments on exclusion orders for infringement of standard essential patents.
Governed by 19 U.S.C. § 337, the U.S. International Trade Commission (“ITC”) is empowered to investigate unfair acts in the importation of articles into the United States. The ITC can be a powerful forum for owners of U.S. patents as it may issue exclusion orders barring infringing articles from entering the United States. Although the ITC is an independent federal agency, it is natural to wonder whether the Trump administration’s policies – including, in particular its “America First Trade Policy” issued on January 20 – could affect litigation before the Commission.
While the day-to-day handling of investigations before the ITC is unlikely to be affected by the specific trade policies of a particular administration, § 337 provides for a presidential review period, during which the president can review and potentially veto an exclusion order entered by the Commission in an investigation. This power has rarely been exercised, but the history of presidential review in investigations involving standard essential patents (“SEPs”) provides an example where the policies of an administration can directly impact ITC practice.
It started in 2013 when the Obama administration overturned an ITC order that would have excluded various Apple iPhone and iPad products from the United States market. In that investigation, Samsung alleged that Apple infringed patents that had been declared essential to certain telecommunications standards, and, in overturning the import ban, the U.S. Trade Representative acting on behalf of the Obama administration cited a “Policy Statement on Remedies for Standards-Essential Patents Subject to Voluntary F/RAND Commitments” jointly issued by the Department of Justice and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on January 8, 2013. https://www.justice.gov/d9/pages/attachments/2018/12/10/290994.pdf
The Obama-era Policy Statement cautioned that granting exclusion orders for infringement of standard essential patents – which are typically accompanied by commitments to license on terms that are fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (“FRAND” or “F/RAND”) – may result in the patent owner engaging in “patent hold up” by demanding a higher royalty for the use of its patent than would have been possible before the standard was set, and that such behavior may harm consumers. Accordingly, the 2013 Policy Statement concluded that “[a]lthough [] an exclusion order for infringement of F/RAND-encumbered patents essential to a standard may be appropriate in some circumstances, we believe that, depending on the facts of individual cases, the public interest may preclude the issuance of an exclusion order in cases where the infringer is acting within the scope of the patent holder’s F/RAND commitment and is able, and has not refused, to license on F/RAND terms.”
During President Trump’s first term, the administration issued its own “Policy Statement on Remedies for Standard-Essential Patents Subject to Voluntary F/RAND Commitments” on December 19, 2019. https://www.justice.gov/atr/page/file/1228016/dl This 2019 Policy Statement identified “concerns that the 2013 policy statement has been misinterpreted to suggest that a unique set of legal rules should be applied in disputes concerning patents subject to a F/RAND commitment,” such that “injunctions and other exclusionary remedies should not be available in actions for infringement of standards-essential patents.” The 2019 Policy Statement warned that “such an approach would be detrimental to the carefully balanced patent system.” Accordingly, the USPTO and DOJ withdrew the 2013 Policy Statement in favor of a policy where “the existence of F/RAND or similar commitments [] may be relevant and may inform the determination of appropriate remedies,” but “the general framework for deciding these issues remain[ed] the same as in other patent cases.”
This back-and-forth continued with the Biden administration, but to a lesser extent. After soliciting written submissions and hearing a variety of views on both sides of the issues, on June 8, 2022, the Biden administration issued a “Withdrawal of 2019 Policy Statement on Remedies for Standards-Essential Patents Subject to Voluntary F/RAND Commitments,” which stated in a footnote that it was also not reinstating the Obama-era 2013 Policy Statement. https://www.uspto.gov/sites/default/files/documents/SEP2019-Withdrawal.pdf. Accordingly, the 2022 Withdrawal concluded that conduct by SEP holders and standards implementers should be reviewed “on a case-by-case basis to determine if either party is engaging in practices that result in the anticompetitive use of market power or other abusive processes that harm competition.”
It remains to be seen whether the USPTO, DOJ and NIST will reinstate the 2019 Policy Statement in President Trump’s second term. The policy statement put into effect during President Trump’s first term was withdrawn by President Biden, but in a way that did not reinstate the earlier Obama-era policy, and the 2022 Withdrawal does not on its face articulate any view of available remedies for infringement of standard essential patents that is inconsistent with the 2019 Policy Statement. Nevertheless, one would reasonably expect that the second Trump administration would be inclined to favor a policy where available remedies for infringement of standard essential patents would not materially differ from the remedies available for infringement of other patents.
However, earlier this month the International Trade Commission issued a notification suggesting that the Commission’s thoughts on this issue may not be so predictable. On March 4, 2025, the ITC published a Notice in the Federal Register relating to Investigation No. 337-TA-1380, which involved an allegation by Nokia that Amazon infringes certain patents declared essential to video compression standards which carry with them a commitment to license on RAND terms. The Notice indicates that the Commission has determined to review the Initial Determination of the Administrative Law Judge in its entirety, and it solicits written submissions from the parties on various issues, including the following SEP-specific questions:
- When the complainant alleges that an asserted patent is a standard essential patent, subject to reasonable, and nondiscriminatory (RAND) licensing terms, is the complainant precluded from seeking an exclusion order and/or cease and desist order based on infringement of that patent? Should the Commission consider RAND licensing obligations as a legal or equitable defense (i.e., as part of its violation determination) under section 337(c), 19 U.S.C. 1337(c)) or as part of its consideration of the public interest factors under section 337(d)(1) and (f)(1)? Please discuss theories in law, equity, and the public interest, and identify which (if any) of the public interest factors of 337(d)(1) and (f)(1) preclude issuance of such an order.
- In the event a violation is found, does the information regarding the parties’ RAND obligations and licensing attempts inform any particular public interest factor that the Commission should consider under section 337(d)(1) and (f)(1)? If so, please identify which factor it informs and explain why, including the relevant evidence of record. As part of its public interest analysis, should the Commission determine whether any prior license offer made by the patent holder covering the accused products is reasonable and non-discriminatory? If so, what evidence should the Commission consider in determining whether offers are reasonable and non-discriminatory based on the record of this investigation?
In addition, the March 4 Notice solicited written submissions from not just the parties, but also any interested government agencies or other interested parties on the issues of remedy and the public interest, which would seemingly include addressing the above two questions and, in general, Amazon’s argument in the case that an exclusion order would be against the public interest because it would exclude articles that practice SEPs. Such submissions were due on March 13, though approved late submissions continue to be filed, and the target date for completion of the Investigation is currently May 14, 2025.
The questions are interesting, particularly in view of the Obama administration’s directive in 2013 that “in any future cases involving SEPs that are subject to voluntary FRAND commitments, the Commission should be certain to (1) to examine thoroughly and carefully on its own initiative the public interest issues presented both at the outset of its proceeding and when determining whether a particular remedy is in the public interest and (2) seek proactively to have the parties develop a comprehensive factual record related to these issues in the proceedings before the Administrative Law Judge and during the formal remedy phase of the investigation before the Commission, including information on the standards-essential nature of the patent at issue if contested by the patent holder and the presence or absence of patent hold-up or reverse hold-up.”
Following that directive, the Commission has considered the issue in the past, and although it typically followed the 2013 Obama administration’s directive to consider the issues, it virtually always found that SEPs should not receive any type of “special treatment” at the ITC. However, based upon the Commission’s recent Notice, it appears that the Commission may be thinking more critically about the issue of defenses and exclusionary remedies for infringement of SEPs, with the history of these various Policy Statements showing that there is not a singular policy view, both from administrations with different perspectives and from parties with divergent interests. And with the target date for completion of the Nokia/Amazon Investigation just two months away and with comments having just recently been submitted, we may soon learn how the ITC intends to treat the Obama-era directive in the context of current trade policy.