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How to Maximize Your Speaking Engagements
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Speaking engagements and webinars offer a powerful platform to demonstrate expertise, network with peers and attract new clients. But the reach of these events doesn’t have to end once the event or webinar is over. With strategic planning, you can repurpose and leverage your presentation to create a plethora of additional content, broadening your influence and maximizing the return on your preparation efforts.


Here’s a roadmap to get more from your speaking engagements.

1. Record Your Presentation: Always ensure your presentation or webinar is recorded. This recording is a treasure-trove for future content generation. Plus, it allows those who couldn’t attend to benefit from your insights. You can even record it on your smartphone and then easily transcribe the recording to create blog posts and other content. If the conference doesn’t plan to record your session, record yourself doing a practice run beforehand which will also help you prepare for the live presentation.

2. Repurpose Into Bite-Sized Content: From a single presentation, you can extract numerous bite-sized pieces of content, perfect for sharing on social media:

  • Slides: Don’t underestimate the power of individual slides. A slide with a compelling visual or a succinct key point can stand alone as a thought-provoking post.  

  • Quote Cards: Share powerful quotes or statistics from your presentation.

  • Infographics: Summarize key points or data in a visually appealing manner.

  • Short Video Clips: Share small segments on some of the most interesting parts of the presentation. Ensure they are no more than three minutes for maximum engagement with your audience.

  • Share Photos from the Event: Share photos of you speaking at the event and with your co-panelists (more on this later).

3. Transform Your Talk Into a Blog Post or Article: Convert the main points of your presentation into a blog post or an article for a legal magazine. This not only reinforces your points but helps reach an audience that might prefer reading over watching a webinar.

4. Host a Q&A Session: After your presentation, host a live Q&A session on LinkedIn Live. This allows for direct engagement and can address questions that there wasn’t time for during the event.

5. Create a Follow-Up Webinar: If a particular topic from your presentation sparks significant interest, consider creating a follow-up webinar that dives deeper into that subject.

6. Craft a Whitepaper or eBook: Compile your research, presentation slides and any additional insights into a comprehensive whitepaper or eBook. This not only showcases your expertise but serves as a valuable resource for clients and peers.

7. Design an Email Campaign: Share key takeaways, infographics or video clips in a series of emails to your subscribers. It’s an excellent way to reinforce your message and stay on top of their minds.

8. Engage on Social Media: Share content derived from your presentation on your social media channels and engage with followers. Respond to comments, thank attendees for joining and use feedback for future content creation.

9. Network After the Event: The end of your presentation is just the beginning of networking opportunities. Reach out to attendees, thank them for their time and ask for feedback. You never know where a connection might lead.

10. Collaborate on Guest Posts: Partner with fellow attorneys or industry influencers and offer to write guest posts or articles for their platforms based on your presentation’s content.

11. Save Questions for Future Content: Collect all questions from the event. Those you couldn’t address can form the basis of future blog posts, articles or a future webinar.

Why You Should Share Photos From Events

Sharing photos from speaking engagements and other events you attend, especially those capturing you in action or in the company of co-panelists, offers a multitude of benefits. Here’s why it’s a smart idea:

  • Humanizes Your Brand: Photos provide a face to the name, making you more relatable. Whether you’re an individual or a corporate entity, showcasing real moments and interactions makes you appear more accessible and genuine to your audience.

  • Demonstrates Credibility and Authority: Visual proof of you speaking at an event or engaging with other experts in the field can bolster your credibility. It positions you as someone who is recognized and valued for their insights and expertise.

  • Enhances Engagement: Visual content, especially photos, has a higher engagement rate compared to text alone. Audiences are more likely to comment, like or share photos, increasing the visibility of your content.

  • Fosters Networking Opportunities: Sharing photos with co-panelists or attendees and tagging them can lead to increased networking opportunities. It opens doors for further collaborations, discussions and partnerships.

  • Provides a Narrative: Photos can tell a story. They capture the audience’s reactions and the overall experience. Sharing these can give your audience a sense of the event’s atmosphere and what it felt like to be there.

  • Evokes FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out): For those who couldn’t attend, seeing photos might trigger a sense of missing out. This can be a powerful motivator for them to attend future events or engage more proactively with your content.

  • Content Longevity: Photos from events can be reused or repurposed in multiple ways – throwbacks, year-end reviews or even promotional materials for future events. They are evergreen content that can be leveraged long after the event has concluded.

Every speaking engagement is an investment of time, research and effort. By strategically repurposing and leveraging your content, you can maximize the reach and impact of that investment. Today, the opportunities to reshape and share your expertise are unlimited – so make every presentation count!

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