California employers are required to post their annual summary of work-related injuries and illnesses, including COVID-19 illness, in a visible and easily accessible area at every worksite from February 1st through April 30th. Employers are required to use Cal/OSHA’s Form 300A for this posting.
Employers can find an overview regarding completing both the log (Form 300) and the annual summary (Form 300A) on Cal/OSHA’s Recording Keeping Overview page.
Cal/OSHA requires employers to record work-related fatalities, injuries, and illnesses. To be recordable under Cal/OSHA’s regulations, an injury or illness must be work-related and result in one of the following:
Days away from work
Restricted work or transfer to another job
Medical treatment beyond first aid
Loss of consciousness
A significant injury or illness diagnosed by a physician or other licensed health care professional.
As with other recordable injuries and illnesses, a work-related COVID-19 case must meet one of the above-referenced requirements to be recordable.
Certain employers are required to annually electronically submit Form 300A data to Cal/OSHA by March 2nd. Covered employers are those that meet one of the following requirements:
Has 250 or more employees, unless specifically exempted by section 14300.2 of title 8 of the California Code of Regulations.
Has 20 to 249 employees in the specified industries listed including Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Grocery Stores. For a full list of covered industries, employers can review Appendix H.
Information on how to make the electronic submission is available on the federal OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application website.