Nathaniel T. Arden

Nathaniel Arden, Health Care and Intellectual Property Lawyer, Robinson Cole Law Firm, Hartford, Connecticut
Organization Profile
Professional Biography

Nathaniel Arden is a member of Robinson+Cole’s Health Law Group. He advises hospitals, health systems, physician groups, community providers, and other health care entities on a variety of health law and business issues. His practice focuses on health care-related regulatory and transactional matters, as well as health care-related information technology issues. Nathaniel has an extensive background in the healthcare industry, and he worked at a large academic medical center prior to joining the firm.


Nathaniel advises health care providers on Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse laws, including advice regarding compliance with the Stark law and federal anti-kickback statute, as well as similar state laws. He counsels providers on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and similar state privacy laws, state provider and facility licensing laws, scope of practice issues, certificates of need, and other regulatory issues facing health care providers. As part of Nathaniel's practice, he also handles clinical trial agreements and related clinical research issues. He also assists clients with issues concerning accountable care organizations and bundled payment arrangements.

Information Technology

Nathaniel counsels health care providers as well as software companies on information technology issues. Headvises clients on software license, software as a service (SaaS), cloud services, data license and similar information technology agreements, including agreements for electronic medical records systems, population health management tools and health information exchange software. He also advises clients on data use and ownership issues.


Nathaniel advises health care providers on corporate transactions, particularly those between or among physician groups, hospitals and health systems. His work in this area includes due diligence, document drafting and reviews for compliance with applicable federal and state health care and corporate laws. 

Community Involvement

Nathaniel has been active in the community, including serving for two years as a member of the Board of Directors for the Connecticut Association for the Gifted, which supports and advocates for Connecticut’s gifted and talented children.

He is a regular contributor to the firm’s health law newsletter, the Health Law Pulse, and blog, Health Law Diagnosis.

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