Mark Muller is a registered patent attorney and registered professional engineer in the state of Texas. His technical expertise is concentrated in the areas of telecommunications, computer circuit design and programming, environmentally hardened electronics, and high-speed data acquisition, to include multi-axis, motor-driven scanning systems. Mr. Muller also has experience in the field of nondestructive testing, including ultrasound, eddy current, and acoustic emission.
Mr. Muller graduated as a President's Endowed Scholar from Texas A&M University, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering. He obtained his juris doctor degree, with honors, from St. Mary's University, where he was inducted into the John M. Harlan honor society, and won a place in the Texas State Mock Trial competition. Prior to attending law school, Mr. Muller worked as a Senior Research Engineer in the Department of Space Systems at Southwest Research Institute, where he managed programs for NASA, SDIO, and the oil and gas pipeline industry. He holds patents in the areas of circuit board heat removal and ultrasound imaging.
Mr. Muller is involved in all phases of intellectual property practice, with an emphasis on opinions, licensing, and the strategic use of intellectual property to increase business revenue. He has taught Corporate Intellectual Property Management as an adjunct professor of law at St. Mary's University. Mr. Muller is admitted to practice law in the state of Texas, resides in the city of San Antonio, and is a member of the Texas Bar Association, the San Antonio Bar Association, the Licensing Executives Society (LES), and the Amateur Radio Relay League. Mark is the Chair of the LES Cross-Sector Clean Tech Committee.