Jennifer utilizes her more than 18 years of nursing experience to support firm clients in the medical review and defense of their cases. As Medical and Scientific Solution’s Manager of Medical Analysis, Jennifer relies on her diverse experience to lead the analysis of medical records, identification of key defense points, and preparation of medical work products. She has assisted legal teams in better understanding medical issues across various industries, including tobacco, asbestos, and pharmaceuticals.
Jennifer graduated from a clinically intensive diploma nurse program in 1995. Upon graduation, Jennifer entered a Critical Care internship at Wake Forest University Baptist Health. Throughout the next 18 years, Jennifer continued working across several specialty areas of nursing and was licensed in four states, including California, Virginia, and Washington, DC, where she worked at Georgetown University Hospital. In 2007, she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and in 2011, she earned her Legal Nurse Consultant Certificate from North Carolina State University.