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Wisconsin DHS Creates Office of Inspector General

Wisconsin DHS Creates Office of Inspector General
Friday, October 7, 2011


The Wisconsin Department of Health Services announced that it is creating an Office of the Inspector General.  The office will be tasked with identifying fraud and overpayments in the Department’s programs, with include Medicaid, FoodShare, and the Women Infants and Children program. 

Secretary Dennis Smith has named Alan White to head the office.  Mr. White has headed the Bureau of Program Integrity within the Division of Health Care Access and Accountability for more than a decade.  His bureau has been responsible for developing and implementing prior authorization guidelines, performing audits of service providers, and developing quality control measures and standards for Medicaid. The new office expands the scope of his responsibilities and will include oversight of other Department programs, including FoodShare and WIC.

Additional positions will be added to the Office of Inspector General.  The  positions were created in the current biennial budget.

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