The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has extended the filing date for 2019 tax returns from April 15 to July 15. Several states also have extended filing deadlines and payment due dates for 2019 tax returns because of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
State |
Action Taken |
AL, AR, CA, CO, IN, MD, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OR, OK, PA, RI, SC, UT |
Follow IRS extension of filing and payment date to July 15 for individual, corporate, and fiduciary returns
IA |
Extended date for filing returns to July 31, no extension for estimated taxes
ID |
Extended date for income tax returns and payments to July 15
CT |
Extended date for personal income tax returns and payments to July 15; business and passthrough entity tax returns and payments extended to June 15 |
VA |
Extended date for payments to June 1 without penalties but interest will accrue. No extension for filing tax returns due May 1 |
Extended date for tax returns to May 15 upon request |
District of Columbia |
Legislation to follow as the IRS is pending |
Individual and business taxpayers should monitor their jurisdictions’ announcements for up to date information as states continue to revise their policies as new developments unfold.