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On Social Media, Listening is the New Lead Generation

On Social Media, Listening is the New Lead Generation
Friday, July 25, 2014

Do you know what a lead looks like these days?  I am not talking about a traditional lead, like a referral, a phone call or an email.  I’m talking about how to identify lead opportunities on social media.

If you are frequenting social media sites and participating as you should, you need to become attuned for lead opportunities.  People use social media a lot these days to air their problems or grievances -- problems you may be especially qualified to help with.  People post when they have a car accident.  They post about family problems.  They post about retirement or money issues.  Whatever is on their minds, they post about it!

Social MediaWhen you are on social media, you can gain important insights from potential clients who may not even know you exist but know they have a problem.  You want to be that fly on the wall, listening for opportunities to make yourself known.

One great listening post can be found in LinkedIn groups, where people may be posing questions to issues you may face and solve every day.  Jumping in to help with your expertise is one way to turn that casual contact into a bona fide lead.

A good way to listen on Twitter is to create a search list of your relevant keywords and monitor it for people asking for advice.  Build a list of your competitors as well to see what people are saying about them.  Dissatisfied clients?  May be an opportunity for you.

Generating leads via social media takes a different mindset that traditional lead generation, requiring that you find those leads through listening and engaging.  A random comment on Twitter or question on LinkedIn could turn into a potential client for you if you are paying close enough attention. 

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