On March 6, 2025, the Defense Secretary released a memorandum directing the Department of Defense (“DoD”) to adopt the Software Acquisition Pathway (“SWP”) to speed up the development, procurement, and delivery of software needed for weapons and business systems. Specifically, the memorandum directed DoD to use Commercial Solutions Openings and Other Transactions (“OTs”) as the default solicitation and award approaches for acquiring capabilities under the SWP. As a result, we are likely to see an expansion in DoD’s use of OTs. Thus, contractors should be aware of the rules and regulations regarding OTs.
While OTs have been in the news a lot these days, they are not a new concept. OTs date back to 1958, when Congress granted the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (“NASA”) the authority to enter into transactions other than contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements in order to foster innovation and speed in the space race.
Since then, Congress has granted OT authority to several other federal agencies, including the Department of Energy, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, and the Department of Transportation. However, the most significant and frequent user of OTs has been the DoD.
What is an OT?
An OT is a legally binding agreement that is not subject to most of the federal laws and regulations governing procurement contracts, such as the Federal Acquisition Regulation, the Competition in Contracting Act, the Cost Accounting Standards, and the Contract Disputes Act. An OT can be structured in various ways, depending on the type, purpose, and scope of the project, as well as the needs and interests of the parties. This means that DoD has more discretion and flexibility to negotiate the terms and conditions of an OT, and to tailor them to the specific needs and objectives of the project. This also means that the participants have more freedom and autonomy to conduct their work, and to avoid most of the compliance burdens and administrative costs associated with procurement contracts.
An OT is still subject to certain statutory requirements, such as the Anti-Deficiency Act, the Freedom of Information Act, the False Claims Act, the Anti-Kickback Act, and the Procurement Integrity Act. An OT is also subject to certain policy and oversight considerations, such as the public interest; the protection of human subjects; the safeguarding of classified information; the prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse; and the audit and review by DoD and other agencies. Moreover, an OT—while not a procurement contract—is still a contract in the eyes of the law, and can be enforced and challenged in the courts. As we recently discussed, the Court of Federal Claims (“COFC”) appears to be taking a broader view of its jurisdiction over OTs than it has previously, so we may see more post-award protests for OTs at the COFC.
Because an OT is not subject to many of the federal laws and regulations applicable to procurement contracts, an OT does not automatically provide the same rights and remedies that are available under procurement contracts, such as those relating to equitable adjustments, claims, appeals, protests, and termination settlements. Therefore, the parties to an OT need to carefully consider and negotiate the terms and conditions of their agreement, and also address the risks and responsibilities that may arise during the performance and administration of the project. For example, in addition to basic terms such as the scope of work, deliverables, performance milestones, and payment provisions, the parties may want to negotiate clauses addressing data rights, intellectual property rights, dispute resolution mechanisms, termination procedures, and audit rights.
Types of DoD OTs
The DoD has two main types of OTs: Research and Development OTs and Prototype OTs, the latter of which can lead to production contracts.
Research and Development OTs
Research and Development OTs are utilized for basic, applied, and advanced research projects.10 U.S.C. § 4021(a). Research OTs may be used to pursue research and development of technology with dual-use application (commercial and government). Research OTs may also be used to advance new technologies and processes to evaluate the feasibility or utility of a technology. However, unlike Prototype OTs, DoD cannot transition a Research OT to a follow-on production contract.
Prototype OTs
A Prototype OT can be used for a broad range of projects, including but not limited to (A) a proof of concept, model, or process, including a business process; (B) reverse engineering to address obsolescence; (C) a pilot or novel application of commercial technologies for defense purposes; (D) agile development activity; (E) the creation, design, development, or demonstration of operational utility; or (F) any combination of subparagraphs (A) through (E). 10 U.S.C. § 4022(e)(5). And, for a Prototype OT to be awarded, one of the following conditions must be met: (i) significant participation by a nontraditional defense contractor or a nonprofit research institution; (ii) all significant participants being small businesses or nontraditional defense contractors; (iii) at least one-third of the total cost being covered by non-federal parties; or (iv) exceptional circumstances that justify the use of innovative business arrangements or structures. 10 U.S.C. § 4022(d).
Note that successful completion of a Prototype OT can result in a follow-on production contract without further competition, provided the prototype OT was competitively awarded, and the solicitation and agreement included the possibility of a production contract. This streamlined transition from prototype to production can allow for rapid fielding of new technologies and capabilities—once a prototype has proven its value and effectiveness, DoD can quickly move to production, ensuring that contractors are able to start working on delivering critical technologies without the delays often associated with competitive procurements.
Key Takeaways
DoD’s use of OTs has been steadily growing in recent years, both in terms of the number and the value of agreements. This is only expected to increase further under the current administration. Thus, contractors should keep in mind the following:
- Embrace the Flexibility: Recognize that OTs offer a flexible framework that allows for innovative and collaborative agreements. This flexibility can be leveraged to tailor agreements that meet specific project needs without the constraints of traditional procurement regulations.
- Leverage Nontraditional Partnerships: Consider forming partnerships with nontraditional defense contractors, research institutions, and consortia. These collaborations can bring diverse expertise and innovative solutions to the table, enhancing the project’s success.
- Stay Informed on Legal Requirements: While OTs are exempt from many procurement laws, they are still subject to certain statutory and policy requirements. Ensure compliance with these requirements to avoid legal pitfalls.
- Monitor Emerging Trends: Keep an eye on emerging technology areas where the DoD is increasing its use of OTs and position your organization to take advantage of opportunities in these high-priority areas.
- Seek Legal Counsel: Given the unique nature of OTs and their legal implications, it is important to consult counsel with experience in federal contracting and OTs to assist in navigating complex legal landscapes and mitigate risks.