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No Longer a Belieber

No Longer a Belieber
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The former personal bodyguard of “teen icon” (as he is referred to in the complaint) Justin Bieber has filed suit against the celebrity for California wage and hour violations, among other charges. The bodyguard asserts he regularly worked 14-18 hours a day, seven says a week protecting the Biebs, but was wrongly classified as exempt and never received overtime pay. The bodyguard is also suing for unpaid wages and vacation pay.  The Complaint can be found here.

In addition to the employment law aspect, Bieber’s former bodyguard alleges that Bieber assaulted him by repeatedly striking him in the chest and upper body when the crooner thought the bodyguard was trying to keep someone in Bieber’s entourage away from him.

As the case develops, we will be closely tracking the details, so stay tuned.The takeaway from the complaint, obviously, is to beware the Biebs' sneaky left hook.