Last week, Nevada voters approved a ballot measure, Question 6, which would increase the state’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to 50% by 2030. The proposal embodied by Question 6 would be an amendment to Nevada’s Constitution.
Under current Nevada law, utilities are required to obtain 20% of their electricity from renewable energy sources, which will escalate to 25% by 2025. As such, the effect of Question 6, should it go into law, would be to effectively double the state’s RPS.
“The momentum behind Nevada’s clean energy economy remains strong,” said Sarah Cottrell Propst, executive director of Interwest Energy Alliance, a nonprofit trade association representing companies in the renewable energy industry. “The passage of Question 6 will spur investment and advance the state’s leadership in one of the nation’s fastest-growing industries.
However, current Nevada law requires voters to approve the measure again in 2020 in order for Question 6 to go into effect.