If you missed it on Monday, read my post on How to Gift Your Firm with More Referrals in 2017.
When it comes to the different kind of leads that attorneys can generate for new business, referrals are the gold standard. They come to you pre-qualified and ready to “buy” from a source they trust – and with a trust transference to you that is built-in.
If you do nothing else with your law firm marketing next year, make a resolution to cultivate more referrals. Cultivating referrals is low-cost and high-reward, and should be at the top of your list when it comes to new business development for your law firm.
Consider the following as you build your base of referrals for next year:
Categorize – there are two categories of referrals for attorneys: current clients and strategic partners. Comb through your client list and identify those clients who already refer, those most likely to refer (happy with your services) and those who will need some special attention to become a good referral source. To develop a list of potential strategic partners, examine that client list again and see if you can find some commonality among other professional service providers that your clients also utilize – other attorneys, accountants, CPAs, business coaches, etc.
Educate – your referral sources will likely need to be educated about the kind of referrals you are seeking. Teach them about who your ideal client is so they won’t waste their time and yours referring potential clients that are not a good fit for you.
Motivate – look for ways to incentivize and reward your referral sources for sending you potential clients. Maybe it’s a free consultation or a gift card to a favored store. Be creative about it.
Follow Through – one of the worst things you can do is not follow through with potential clients who are referred to you. This will dry up your referral pipeline faster than anything. Let your referral sources know how you plan to follow up with the people they are referring and then do it. Keep your sources up to date periodically on the new relationship and be sure to thank them again.