Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation into law on November 27, 2013, creating the MISS DIG Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act (Public Acts 173 and 174). The new laws update a forty year old statute designed protect Michigan's underground infrastructure. “As more and more of our important infrastructure is placed underground, this needed legislation will better help Michiganders protect it and themselves from damage and danger,” Snyder said.
Supported by Michigan Farm Bureau, the Bureau states that the law "provides clarity on the MISS DIG process for farmers by focusing efforts on risk management and providing greater incentives for compliance." Specifically, the legislation clarifies, among other things, when farmers are required to call MISS DIG, defines farming operations, forms a voluntary farm member registry, and creates certain liability protection for farmers and excavators.
The new laws requires farmers to comply with the law by May 1, 2014.