On March 24, 2020, the Ministry of Energy (SENER), published in the Federal Official Gazette, an official communication stating that due to the situation caused by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the legal terms and deadlines of procedures carried out by SENER are suspended from March 25, 2020, to April 19, 2020. This was done in order to contribute to social distancing measures to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
This means that all terms related to actions, requests, or promotions carried out before SENER during the period mentioned are suspended, and the deadlines and terms will start again as of Monday, April 20.
It is important to point out that the suspension of terms subject to this Official Communication does not suspend the duties to comply with other obligations derived from the applicable regulations or the relevant permit, that do not require any filing or confirmation of compliance by SENER.