Whether employees want phone and mobile access to email and the internet or employers want their employees to have access, smartphones seem to be the ‘must have’ business accessory these days. As with many technologies, the lawsuits come in quicker than companies can draft and enforce policies related to the technology. Lately we’ve been seeing a whole wave of employer liability / smartphone articles at the National Law Review. So here's a little round-up of what's been posted lately:
For a General Overview of the Human Resource / Risk Management Issues Related to Smartphones:
Are You Calling, E-mailing or Texting Employees While They Drive? You May Want to Reconsider
For Department of Transportation / State Law Guidelines Related to Texting While Driving or Distracted Driving:
Department of Transportation Prohibits Drivers of Commercial Vehicles From Texting While Driving
Distracted Driving Policies: Improve Safety and Limit Exposure
New Kentucky Law Bans Texting While Driving
For Overtime Pay Issues and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) Issues Related to Smartphones:
Company-Issued Smartphones and the FLSA: Keeping Employees Connected May Have Its Price
Curtailing the After-Hours Use of Blackberries by Non-Exempt Employees