A law firm blog is one of the best ways for attorneys to generate leads, demonstrate leadership and gain leverage online by improving your search engine results.
There is no doubt that blogging helps your firm get to the top of Google for targeted search results. This is because Google and other search engines love fresh content and a blog is the best way to pump out that fresh content to search engines.
In addition, social media research by HubSpot shows that companies with blogs generate 67% more leads than companies that do not have a blog!
One of the best ways to capture leads is through education marketing and your blog plays a singular role in this regard. Blogging allows you to initiate the conversation with prospects that are having the kind of problems you solve. Once you establish your expertise and gain their trust by providing relevant content, they are much more likely to take the next step to engaging you, usually by visiting your website or landing page that you are using in your blogs to direct your traffic.
Some more key benefits of blogging for attorneys include:
A blog provides material that can be posted on social media sites including LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
A blog establishes you as a thought leader and expert in your field, as well as builds awareness about your practice and your firm, increasing client engagement and generating potential business leads.
The more frequently you blog, the more assets you build and the more credibility and visibility you gain.
Sharing blog posts “socially” will increase your visibility, drive inbound links to your firm’s website, and lead to improved SEO results, meaning your law firm’s website will rank better in search engine results.
Blogs hold a unique position in the online media landscape because they have become an accepted source of information. When used properly, a blog becomes a clear, consistent voice for your practice. It entices prospects, referral sources, colleagues, clients and thought leaders to engage you in dialogue. It keeps you top of mind. It builds visibility among your target clients. Ultimately, it earns you more of the kind of client you most desire.
Your law firm blog is your forum to connect with the community at large and to make it clear that you are an expert in your field. But to make a blog the highly effective medium you need it to be, you need:
An up-to-date blog that you write articles for at least 5+ times per week and that includes clear calls-to-action with relevant offers to aid you in capturing email addresses;
A topic list designed to engage your target audience;
A content calendar with specifics for each post — title, keywords, CTAs, etc.; and
A list of social media sites to promote your blog — LinkedIn and Facebook should be primary.
When you have all these things in place, you will be well on your way to having a blog that can easily anchor many of your law firm marketing efforts.