Many people who have been injured in an accident have expressed that the crash- although painful and frightening- is just the beginning. After that, there are hospital stays, doctor’s appointments, and physical therapy to deal with. Adjusting to life after the accident is complicated by ongoing pain and a seemingly ever-growing stack of medical bills, overshadowed by a sense of unease about what the insurance company is going to do next.
You should consider hiring a car accident lawyer if:
You have medical bills
Medical debt is a serious problem in the United States, even for people who have insurance. A report from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 62% of people covered by health insurance still had problems paying medical bills. Bills for emergency care; X-rays, CAT scans, or other imaging studies; specialist opinions; and ongoing costs of physical therapy and rehabilitation pile up quickly. By letting an attorney handle your claim for you, you give yourself the best chance of having these bills covered.
Your claim involves more than one area of law
A car accident lawyer will also be able to advise you about the various different claims you may be able to pursue. Some examples of claims could include:
An accident with a commercial vehicle or a drunk driver,
Property Damage,
Medical expenses,
Lost wages,
Disabilities, and/or injuries
The only way to know the types of claims that apply to your case with certainty is to ask a lawyer.
Overall, people who work with an attorney after being injured in an accident recover 3.5 times as much as people who do not hire a car accident lawyer. That’s because a car accident lawyer is uniquely positioned to advise you about all areas of law that apply to your case.