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How to Leverage LinkedIn for Leads

How to Leverage LinkedIn for Leads
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

LinkedIn has been found to be 277% more effective in generating leads than Facebook and Twitter, according to recent research.

Since LinkedIn is a social network for professionals, it stands to reason that B2B law firms can get the most out of it when it comes to lead generation; here’s how:

social media linkedin business

Link your blog.  If you use WordPress to publish your blog, LinkedIn has a WordPress app that automatically publishes each new post to your LinkedIn profile. You can also use an RSS feed to accomplish the same task.

Share your slides. Your treasure trove of PowerPoint slides contains some great content; why not repurpose them for sharing on LinkedIn? Add a call-to-action and share with LinkedIn’s SlideShare app.

Promote your practice to a targeted audience.Your LinkedIn company page has dedicated tabs you can use to promote your practice. If you have multiple practice areas, create a tab for each one and promote to the target audiences that are relevant – you can target based on industry, location, company size, job function and seniority level.

Create banner ads.LinkedIn has an advertising feature that allows you to create banners that promote your next speech, your free report or whitepaper, or any other service or product you desire. You can use the same targeting feature mentioned previously to promote to the right target audience.

Email your group membersIf you have set up a group on LinkedIn, the site allows you to send one email every week to all members. Use this to promote your latest blog post, thought leadership pieces and so on.

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