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How to Help Clients Help You Build a More Successful Law Practice

How to Help Clients Help You Build a More Successful Law Practice
Monday, January 21, 2013

I'm convinced one of the biggest reasons that attorneys don't receive more referrals is because they don't take the time to inform and remind their clients of the various services they offer.  Most clients immediately put their attorney in a box and believe the only service the lawyer offers is the one they used. 

How much business have you lost because your clients simply aren't aware of the various services your firm can provide?

One sure way to increase client referrals is to make certain that your clients can accurately describe your ideal target market.

Your ideal target market is the person or company most likely to hire you initially, repeatedly and at the highest profit margin. With so many attorneys struggling to define their ideal client, it's no wonder your clients don't know who they should refer to you.

Here's a small challenge: ask three of your clients to describe your ideal client and listen to how accurately they respond.

Remember that memory is elusive and just because you wowed them once and they sent you a referral doesn't mean they will ALWAYS remember.  So don't take referral relationships for granted.  Finding a high-quality lawyer is easy and it takes more than quality to make an impression - it takes a relationship.   

Just like any relationship, you need to be connecting with your current and former referral sources every four to six weeks to ensure the health and longevity of the affiliation. 

Rainmakers don't wait for the door to knock or the phone to ring or the referral to come in. They take the initiative, stay in touch, and focus on serving their referral sources. 

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