Key Points
- FERC's Order Signals Transformative Change While Navigating Jurisdictional Limits: While FERC recognizes the urgent need to address co-location arrangements (particularly given the AI/data center boom), the intricate interplay of federal and state authority means any solution must carefully navigate jurisdictional boundaries. The Order reflects FERC's attempt to maximize its impact within the framework of the Federal Power Act’s cooperative federalism.
- Cost Allocation and Reliability Concerns Drive Reform: FERC's primary concerns center on preventing cost-shifting to other ratepayers and ensuring grid reliability. The current Tariff's lack of clear provisions for ancillary services, different co-location configurations, and sudden load shifts poses risks that FERC seeks to address through this proceeding.
- Industry Response Suggests High Stakes for Multiple Stakeholders: The approximately 100 intervention motions filed indicate that stakeholders view this proceeding as potentially industry-reshaping. The outcome will likely influence how data center developers approach power supply strategies and could affect the viability of co-location as a solution to grid connection challenges.
Last year, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) convened a technical conference to discuss issues related to large loads being co-located with generating facilities (Docket No. AD24-11-000), which we summarized in the following client alert. In a related development late last year, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC (“Constellation”) filed a complaint against PJM Interconnection, LLC (“PJM”) pursuant to Section 206 of the Federal Power Act (“FPA”), arguing that PJM’s Open Access Transmission Tariff is “unjust, unreasonable and unduly discriminatory” due to the absence of guidance on co-located configurations where the generating asset is completely isolated from the grid (Docket No. EL25-20-000).
The importance of this topic is underscored by nearly daily announcements of new data center projects, such as the $500 billion proposed investment on AI infrastructure by OpenAI, SoftBank and Oracle highlighted by President Trump on the day after his inauguration. The massive power demands from both training and inference applications of AI are anticipated to place significant strains on power grids, while grid operators are contending with lengthy interconnection queues and insufficient buildout of transmission networks. In order to secure power supply for their projects, many data center developers are exploring co-location opportunities with new and existing generating facilities.
On February 20, 2025, FERC issued an order (the “Order”) consolidating the two dockets mentioned above and instituting for cause proceedings under Section 206 of the FPA, finding that PJM’s tariff appears to be unjust, unreasonable, unduly discriminatory or preferential (Docket No. EL25-49-00). FERC ordered PJM and the relevant transmission owners to either:
- “show cause as to why the Open Access Transmission Tariff, the Amended and Restated Operating Agreement of PJM, and Reliability Assurance Agreement Among Load Serving Entities in the PJM Region (the “Tariff”) remains just and reasonable and not unduly discriminatory or preferential without provisions addressing with sufficient clarity or consistency the rates, terms and conditions of service that apply to co-location arrangements; or
- explain what changes to the Tariff would remedy the identified concerns if [FERC] were to determine that the Tariff has in fact become unjust and unreasonable or unduly discriminatory or preferential and, therefore, proceeds to establish a replacement Tariff.”
On March 24, 2025, PJM and the transmission owners filed their responses to the Order, with both PJM and a joint answer submitted on behalf of a significant majority of the transmission owners arguing that the Tariff remains just and reasonable. The transmission owners urged FERC to clarify that co-located load served by generation interconnected to the transmission or distribution system is network load for the purposes of the Tariff. PJM presented a number of different configurations under the existing Tariff, while noting jurisdictional concerns based on federal/state shared jurisdiction and differences in regulation among the states.
Interested parties are able to respond with comments by April 23, 2025. Approximately 100 such entities have filed motions to intervene, which is indicative of the significance industry players are placing on these proceedings and FERC’s ultimate resolution.
FERC’s Analysis
Although the Order relates specifically to the complaint initiated by Constellation under Section 206 of the FPA, FERC is clearly conscious of many policy considerations that need to be addressed in the context of co-located large load configurations.
Jurisdiction. Although FERC has indicated that it is aware of the nationwide importance of co-located large load configurations, particularly with respect to the national security interests identified in facilitating the rapid buildout of AI infrastructure, it is also plainly conscious of its jurisdictional limitations. The Order highlights that the FPA only allocates jurisdiction to FERC for transmission and wholesale sales of electricity in interstate commerce, whereas retail sales, intrastate transmission and wholesaling, as well as siting authority, are all subject to state jurisdiction. Accordingly, there are jurisdictional limits to how transformative FERC’s guidance can be on this issue. The Order invites comments on when and under what circumstances co-located load should be considered as interconnected to the transmission system in interstate commerce. Specifically, FERC poses the query of whether fully isolated load should be understood as being connected to the transmission system, and if so, what characteristics would result in such a determination.1
Tariff Provisions. The Order makes a determination that the Tariff is “unjust and unreasonable or unduly discriminatory or preferential” due to its lack of clarity and consistency regarding rates and terms of use. For example, FERC comments that the Tariff does not account for costs associated with ancillary services that the co-located generator would be unable to provide, such as black start capabilities and load following services. There is also significant discussion about how the Tariff does not account for different co-location configurations, and specifically, how those differences may impact overall costs. Due to the ambiguities in the Tariff, FERC seems to be acutely concerned with the potential for parties to a co-location arrangement to shift costs to other ratepayers.
Reliability and Resource Adequacy. The concerns raised in the Order with respect to reliability and resource adequacy were identified and thoroughly discussed at the technical conference. For example, in the event a generator co-located with a large load customer temporarily goes offline, the large load customer could suddenly be drawing from the grid, thus potentially impacting overall network performance. Grid operators would be better placed if they had the ability to model such scenarios. Further, concerns relating to the removal of existing generating assets from capacity markets, and thus increasing rates of other consumers (at least in the short-term), were raised by many participants to the technical conference and restated in the Order. On the other hand, FERC notes that many of the concerns raised by serving large load customers would be present even if the customer is treated as network load rather than in a behind-the-meter configuration.
Questions. The Order stipulates that PJM and the transmission owners must include responses to a number of questions relating to: 1) transmission service, 2) ancillary or other wholesale services, 3) interconnection procedures and cost allocation, 4) the PJM capacity market, reliability and resource adequacy, and 5) general and miscellaneous questions which do not fall under any of these headings. The responses to these questions will assist FERC in framing its analysis of how revisions can be made to the Tariff to ensure it is just, reasonable and not unduly discriminatory.
Final Thoughts
Electricity infrastructure is already being built out at a rapid pace in the United States. This trend is set to continue, particularly to meet the needs of increased electrification across numerous sectors such as industry and transportation, along with the anticipated expansion of the data center fleet. Developers have pursued co-located arrangements as a potential means of reducing time frames for getting projects online. FERC’s guidance will result in greater certainty for developers on the costs and timing associated with co-location, which should clarify the role of co-location in the ongoing data center build-out.
1 Key questions about jurisdiction, cost allocation, and reliability turn on what it means for load to be isolated from the grid. For example, in the Complaint, Constellation describes “Fully Isolated Co-Located Loads” as behind the meter load with system protection facilities designed to ensure power does not flow from the grid to the load, with the PJM transmission owners refer to “fully isolated” load where both load and generator serving the co-located load are islanded from the transmission and distribution systems. PJM saw the nuance of different co-location agreements as risking to introduce regulatory gaps in federal and state jurisdiction.