Latin American Region Environmental Report, Volume I 2013
Ecuador Approves Mariculture Project Permit Application Form
Registro Oficial February 1, 2013: Acuerdo No. 140
On February 1, 2013, Ecuador’s Ministry of the Environment published Acuerdo 140, regulating mariculture projects. Under Acuerdo 140, all mariculture projects must be consistent with the National System of Protected Areas, Protected Forests or State Forests. (Art. 3) Acuerdo 140 establishes a streamlined management plan form for small-scale mariculture projects declared to have "low environmental impact." (Art. 1) Operators of shellfish projects greater than 10 hectares and all fish-cage installations are required to obtain an environmental permit. (Arts. 2, 5) Acuerdo 140 also provides for a temporary environmental permit for pilot mariculture projects. (Art. 6) The National Fisheries Institute will maintain a list of species approved for marine cultivation. (Art. 7)