It’s that magical time of year…when property tax valuations for the next fiscal year are mailed out all over the land. Don’t be naughty and ignore these notices, because property taxes represent some of the most significant operating costs facing businesses today, and the deadlines for appeals of these valuations are often early in the New Year.
For example, in Nevada, property owners have only approximately 30 days from the date they receive their valuation notifications in mid-December to the deadline for property tax valuation appeals to be filed on January 15 (or the next business day if it is a weekend or holiday).
We are fully familiar with each locality’s abatement practices, requirements, and dates. Along these lines, we note the following upcoming deadlines for property tax valuation appeals:
Maryland: 12/31/2017 (unless new assessment cycle, then 45 additional days or 2/15/2018)
Nevada: 1/15/2018
Massachusetts: 2/1/2018
Connecticut: 2/15/2018
Delaware: 2/15/2018
Virginia, Ohio, and Washington, D.C.: 3/31/2018
Arizona, Mississippi, and New Jersey: 4/1/2018 (Arizona also permits direct filing in court by 12/31/2017)
It is crucial not to miss these appeal deadlines, or your business could be stuck paying too-high property taxes on an over-valued property for the entire next year to come, with no chance to rectify the situation until 2019.