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Congressional Bill Would Prohibit Employers from Requesting Social Media Passwords

Congressional Bill Would Prohibit Employers from Requesting Social Media Passwords
Saturday, March 31, 2012

On numerous occasions, we've cautioned employers regarding the Board's recent emphasis on social media as a form of protected activity. See the following links for those previous posts:

The implications of utilizing social networking activity in connection with employment decisions is now beginning to extend beyond the traditional labor context. U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal is proposing a bill that would stop the practice of employers asking job applicants for their Facebook or other social media passwords. The Washington Post's article regarding this issue can be found . Whether or not Sen. Blumenthal's bill comes to fruition, one thing is for certain: Employers' use of social networking activity will continue to be scrutinized (and the NLRB will likely continue to lead the charge).