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California Bill Placing Restrictions on Employer Immigration Worksite Raids Awaits Governor’s Signature

California Bill Placing Restrictions on Employer Immigration Worksite Raids Awaits Governor’s Signature
Friday, September 29, 2017

In the midst of increased immigrant arrests in California, the California Senate recently confirmed the passage of the Immigration Worker Protection Act, or AB 450, which, if signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, will place various immigration worksite inspection restrictions on California employers.

As discussed in this post, the bill prohibits California employers from allowing immigration agents to enter a workplace or view their employee’s employment records without a warrant. The bill also requires employers who provide immigration officials with employee records to notify such employees within 72 hours of receiving a notice of inspection.

The bill would apply to both public and private employers in California and prescribes a penalty of up to $10,000 for each violation.

Stay tuned for further updates on whether Gov. Brown signs AB 450.